3D Test Card Numbers

3D Secure procesing via the 3D Secure Smart Adviser endpoints can result in a frictionless flow or require device fingerprinting, a challenge or both device fingerprinting and a challenge. Use the tables below to test the various scenarios:

Frictionless Flow

In this flow, the cardholder is authenticated based on the information provided on the transaction itself, without any additional authentication (such as device fingerprint or challenge method). You will immediately receive a fully authenticated 3D Secure result and authorisation decision, in response to your request.

Card Type Card Number
Visa 4018810000100036
Mastercard 5420711000210016
Amex 375987000169677
DIscover 36849800000679

Test Card Trigger Numbers

In this scenario, the issuer requests more information about the device that initiated the transaction (note: this is not a biometric fingerprint! - depending on the issuer this can be the cardholder’s browser or other information used for risk analysis). The information is transferred electronically without the cardholder experiencing any change in the flow and simulates a scenario where the card issuer is satisfied with the authenticity of the cardholder (frictionless experience).

Card Type Card Number
Visa 4018810001010010
Mastercard 5420711000190010
Amex 375987000169776
Discover 36816499999982


In this scenario, the issuer requires a user challenge flow where the cardholder is prompted with an authentication screen.

For the purpose of this test case, in your web browser, access the issuer URL (3ds_acsurl) you receive in response to your initial request and provide a One-Time Password (OTP). Different OTPs are provided to simulate a successful or unsuccessful cardholder challenge.

Card Type Card Number Sucess OTP Fail OTP
Visa 4018810000150015 0101 3333
Mastercard 5299910010000015 4445 9999
Amex 375987000000005 5678 3333
Discover 6011947300799885 5678 3333

Device Fingerprint and Challenge

This scenario requires full authentication of the cardholder with both device fingerprint flow and cardholder challenge.

Card Type Card Number Sucess OTP Fail OTP
Visa 4018810000190011 0101 3333
MasterCard 5204730000001011 4445 9999
Amex 374245001711000 5678 3333
Discover 6011947499999957 5678 3333
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